Zan Factor Power Shine

Glowing skin complex with 0.8% hyaluronic acid, smoothing and anti-inflammatory effect.
Face, neck, chest, hands

10 x 5ml

Glowing skin complex with 0.8% hyaluronic acid, smoothing and anti-inflammatory effect of magnesia, artichoke, coumarin and gingko biloba, removes toxins, metal salts, radionuclides from the skin. The complex normalizes and restores the microvascular blood supply to the sensitive skin of the face and the delicate area around the eyes. Considering the lymphatic drainage effect, the preparation stimulates the removal of toxins, the skin gains radiance and an even tone. Restoration of the area around the eyes with photoaging. Smoothing of small wrinkles. Increases skin tone and elasticity. The skin brightens and glows. Regenerative and metabolic processes in the skin are stimulated, wrinkles are noticeably reduced, especially in the periorbital and perioral areas, rosacea and facial swelling are reduced.

For more information, contact Liv Kjersti Langli on +47 90 10 00 27 
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