Zan Factor Restoring oil

Apply to face and neck before Gua Sha massage.

Whole body.

30 ml

With the properties to "repair" damaged skin, Restoring Oil content combination of
natural plant and essential oils that promote cell proliferation, increase collagen
synthesis, stimulates skin renewal and restores the function of the skin's lipid
barrier. Capuacu oil is the vegan alternative to Lanolin, which penetrates deeply
dehydrated skin. Improves the appearance of thin skin, and is an excellent
moisturizer with the unique ability to restore the water-lipid balance in the skin. Protector
skin from dehydration by wind and cold. Improves skin elasticity, relieves irritation. Buriti
oil - contains vitamins E and A, has excellent softening properties, restores, moisturizes
and returns the moisture level to the skin cells. Black Raspberry Seed Oil, thanks
content of natural SPF, reduces the risk of post-traumatic pigmentation. Pomegranate
Seed oil is rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, which also contribute to an anti-ageing effect. As a humectant, it helps retain moisture in the skin and provides
life and nourishment for dry, parched and dull skin. Essential oils included
in Restoring oil has an immunostimulating, regenerating and antiseptic effect.
Rosemary oil has a strong antiseptic and strengthening effect. Stimulates local blood circulation
and cell renewal. Carrot seed oil - "Queen Anne's Lace" (another name for carrot seed
essential oil). Carotol found in carrot seed oil provides a high content of antioxidants,
supports and promotes skin health and cell renewal. Carrot seed essential oil has a
rumor that it is a panacea against premature aging of the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles
due to its ability to form epidermal cells.

For more information, contact Liv Kjersti Langli on +47 90 10 00 27 
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